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Oklahoma Association of

Career and Technology Education





The name of this organization shall be the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education.  However, the letters "OkACTE" may be officially used to designate the organization, its divisions, or members thereof.



The purposes of the OkACTE shall be:


A.To unite the profession of career and technology education and serve the needs of its members.


B. To promote a closer relationship between state and national agencies primarily engaged in career and technology education and other state and national agencies and professional organizations engaged in education.


C. To unify all the career and technology education interests of the same through representative membership.


D. To promote local, state and national legislation on behalf of career and technology education.


E. To increase the effectiveness of career and technology education throughout the state.


F. To encourage further development of programs of education related to career and technology education.


G. To emphasize and encourage the promotion and expansion of the officially recognized career and technology student organizations.


The OkACTE shall have and possess all rights, powers and privileges given to the OkACTE by common law, to sue and be sued, to borrow money and to secure payment of the same by notes, bonds and mortgages upon personal and real property, and to rent, lease, purchase, hold, sell and convey such personal and real property as may be necessary and proper for the purpose of erecting buildings, and for other proper objects of the OkACTE.


A. Eligibility


1. All persons interested in the purposes of the OkACTE shall be eligible for membership.


            a. OkACTE is an affiliate association and unified with the Association of Career and Technical Education “ACTE”.


2. The State Program Specialists and Career and Technology Teacher Educators of the respective divisions of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education shall encourage all full-time students in teacher training to invest in student membership in OkACTE and in the Association for Career and Technical Education.


3. Membership dues shall be collected by OkACTE under the supervision of the Executive Director.


4. Membership shall begin with payment of dues.  The membership shall extend from May 1 of one year until April 30 of the following year, regardless of the time when dues are paid.

B. Classification


Membership shall be available in the following classifications:


  1. Individual - annual dues paid to OkACTE, ACTE and a division of OkACTE. Support Staff, teacher aides, para-professionals and part-time employees - annual dues paid to OkACTE and Support Staff Division. 

  2. Student Membership - annual dues paid to OkACTE and ACTE; will be offered to full-time students preparing to become career and technology education teachers.

  3. Loyalty Membership - annual dues paid to OkACTE and ACTE; will be limited to retired career and technology education personnel.

  4. Associate Membership - annual dues paid to OkACTE for Corporations, individual business owners, and military personnel.

  5. OkACTE Life Membership - OkACTE Life Membership will be awarded to each outgoing president of OkACTE.  Persons in career and technology education will be required to pay annual division dues in order to maintain full membership status.


C. Voting and Holding Office


Individual OkACTE members shall be considered eligible for voting, leadership positions, committee assignments, awards and any other division and/or association activity.


D. The above dues shall entitle the member to be classified in any one division of the association.  Multi-division membership may be obtained upon payment of additional affiliated division's dues.  A member shall be entitled to only one vote for the office of OkACTE President-elect.





A. Divisions


The Divisions of OkACTE shall be those of Administration, Adult Workforce Development, Agricultural Education; Business, Marketing & Information Technology Education; Career and Counseling Development; Educational Services -Special Populations; Family & Consumer Sciences Education; Health Careers Education; New and Related Services; Post Secondary and Adult Career Education;Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and Trade and Industrial Education.


1. Every person has the opportunity to join OkACTE and to be affiliated with a recognized division.  In addition to OkACTE/ACTE association dues, division dues (as established by each affiliated division) shall be paid to the division(s) in which the member chooses to affiliate.  These dues must be paid in order for the member to be eligible for division voting, leadership positions, committee assignments, and other division activity.

2. The divisional structure of the OkACTE shall parallel the divisional structure of the ACTE.  The divisions of OkACTE and their respective divisional organizations are: Administration (OCLA—Oklahoma Council of Local Administrators and OkCTEEC—Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council); Agricultural Education (OAETA-Oklahoma Agriculture Education Teachers' Association); Business, Marketing & Information Technology Education (BMITE); Career and Counseling Development (CCD); Educational Services - Special Populations (ESSP);Family & Consumer Sciences Education (OATFACS Oklahoma Association for Teachers of Family & Consumer Sciences Education); Health Careers Education (OHOETA-Oklahoma Health Occupations Education Teachers' Association; New and Related Services (NRS) Sections are: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA), Personnel Development (OVEPDA), Communications and Marketing Officer (CMO), General and Related Subjects, Makers of Policy, and Telecommunication Technologies (Tele Tech); Post Secondary and Adult Career Education (PACE); Support Staff; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (OTEA--Oklahoma Technology Engineering Association); Support Staff (SS);  Trade and Industrial Education (T & I Education Association).


3. Each organization, which functions as an OkACTE division, shall indicate this relationship in their organization's bylaws.  Article I.  Name shall state, "The name of this organization shall be ________________ and shall function as the _________________________ division of the Oklahoma Association of Career & Technology Education.


4. The operating policies of the divisions shall conform to the policies established by the OkACTE Executive Committee and the OkACTE Bylaws.


5. Each division shall elect officers to govern the division activities and represent its interests.


6. The divisions shall organize to provide services to members’ at all instructional levels.


7.  Divisions must maintain 200 members as of October 1 each year.  Divisions whose membership drops below this level shall be permitted two years beyond the fiscal year in which the membership dropped below the minimum required level to regain the minimum membership requirement before losing divisional status.  Any division failing to meet these requirements may become a section of the New and Related Services Division or merge with another division.

8. When a section in the division of New and Related Services meets the following criteria, New and Related Services may submit to the OkACTE Executive Director an Amendment to the OkACTE Bylaws for the section to become a division with a vice-president:


a. The interest of the section is clearly defined as being directly involved in or closely related to career and technology education.

b. The section represents an interest that is national in scope.

c. The section cannot be identified in an existing division and/or is not currently served by an existing division.

d. The section is organized in the interest of expanding and improving career and technology education.

e. The section can identify at least 200 members eligible to vote who have declared affiliation with the section.

f. The section must pass a two-thirds vote of the section's eligible members returning a written or electronic ballot to become a division with a vice president.


B. Associated Organizations


Any group, which cannot otherwise identify itself in the divisional structure of the association and desires to affiliate with the Oklahoma Association of Career & Technology Education, must meet the following requirements:


1. The operating policies of the group shall conform to policies approved by the OkACTE Executive Committee and the OkACTE Bylaws.  The group shall be organized to obtain specific educational objectives in harmony with the overall purpose of OkACTE and ACTE.


2. The group must submit a letter of application to the OkACTE Executive Committee, together with the following:

a. A list showing members, including their president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer, and reporter, their addresses and position held;


b. Payment of the regular dues for all names submitted;


c. The potential membership they may acquire; and


d. A copy of their proposed constitution and a statement indicating a willingness to adjust such constitution to eliminate points of conflict with OkACTE and ACTE constitutions.

3. Upon approval by the OkACTE Executive Committee for the new group to affiliate with OkACTE, the group requesting affiliation will become a section in New and Related Services.  When this new section meets the criteria for divisional status (as established in Article IV, Section A-8) New and Related Services may submit to the OkACTE Executive Director an amendment to the OkACTE Bylaws for the section to become a division, with the President of the new division becoming a member of the OkACTE Executive Committee.

4. If the Executive Committee disapproves an application, steps shall be taken immediately to notify the group of such disapproval and to return all dues and records received from this group.

5. Each division shall have a committee to plan and implement a program of work for the division and assist in the implementation of the OkACTE Program of Work.


C. The OkACTE shall affiliate with ACTE upon terms of application set up by ACTE.

D. Assembly of Delegates





A. Members


Business of the OkACTE shall be conducted by the members at the annual meeting.

B. Executive Committee


1. The OkACTE Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, President-elect, and Past President of the OkACTE, and the President of each affiliated division.  The Executive Director of the OkACTE shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the OkACTE Executive Committee. 


2. The OkACTE Executive Committee shall constitute the administrative body of the OkACTE.


3. The OkACTE Executive Committee shall have management and control of the affairs and funds of the Association and among its duties shall:

a. Have direction and charge of conferences and conventions;

b. Develop objectives and strategies;

c. Evaluate the accomplishments of the OkACTE;

d. Approve the annual budget;

e. Require an external audit be performed at the close of each fiscal year and review results at the annual meeting;

f. Receive and act upon committee reports;

g. Provide for safekeeping and proper investment of all funds of the OkACTE; and

h. The CareerTech Administrative Council Executive Director shall prepare the CTAC annual budget, which shall include resources and strategies necessary to implement the OkACTE Program of Work.  He/she shall have the responsibility for organizing and maintaining an office and staff to accomplish the goals and objectives of the OkACTE.



C.  CareerTech Administrative Council (CTAC)

1. The OkACTE shall maintain an operating agreement with the Association of Technology Centers, Inc. for the purpose of maintaining the office of the Executive Director.


2. This partnership shall be referred to as the CareerTech Administrative Council.


3. Each OkACTE division shall elect a representative to this Council for a three-year term according to the rotation system defined in the OkACTE operating policies.


4. The CTAC shall include the OkACTE President, President-elect, and each OkACTE Division President serving in a voting capacity and for a term of one year, representing the interests of the Oklahoma Association of Career & Technology Education.  Furthermore, in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity shall be the thirteen (13) ODCTE Division Advisors.


5. The Council will operate according to the operating agreement and policies and procedures of the CareerTech Administrative Council.


6.  Amendments to the Administrative Council Operating Agreement must be approved by a majority vote of the OkACTE Executive Committee.​

D.  Assembly of Delegates (AOD)

1. Each division shall select the individuals who will attend the ACTE Convention as delegates.  Prior to receiving the OkACTE Delegate Stipend, each delegate must return a signed Stipend Agreement Contract to the OkACTE Office.

2. The President of each division shall be the first voting delegate for the division representing OkACTE at the Assembly of Delegates.

3. Delegates are required to attend the ACTE Delegate Assembly to receive reimbursement from OkACTE.





A.  Only affiliated and/or life members in the OkACTE shall be eligible for membership on the OkACTE Executive Committee and on the OkACTE Advisory Committee, to serve as delegates and to hold any other office.


B. The officers of the OkACTE shall be: President, President-elect, Past President and the President from each affiliated division.  These officers shall constitute the OkACTE Executive Committee.


C. Duties of Officers


1. The President shall perform all the duties as assigned by the OkACTE Executive Committee.  The term of office shall be one year.  The President, or in his/her absence, the President-elect shall preside at all meetings of the OkACTE.


2. The President of each affiliated division shall preside at all meetings of the division, and shall represent the division on the OkACTE Executive Committee and the OkACTE Advisory Committee.


3. The President-elect shall serve for a period of one year prior to assuming the duties of President.  The President-elect shall be a member of the CareerTech Administrative Council and shall perform such duties as directed by the OkACTE Executive Committee or the OkACTE Advisory Committee.


4.  The Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the president and coordinate and oversee the activities of all Association committees.  The Past President will also chair the Nominating Committee.  The term of office shall be one year.


5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President or President-elect, the OkACTE Executive Committee is empowered to fill said vacancy until the prescribed procedures can be followed to elect.




A. Procedures for Nominating the President-elect


1. A division may nominate a candidate for President-elect, except those divisions having a member originally nominated by that division currently serving in any one of the positions of OkACTE President, Past President, or President-elect.


2.  The OkACTE Nominating Committee shall present to the membership via electronic media candidate(s) for the office of President-elect. 


B.  Election of President-elect


The President-elect shall be elected by the membership of the OkACTE prior to Summer Conference.


Each eligible member of the OkACTE shall cast their vote electronically. The OkACTE President, Past President and the President-elect shall be responsible for the certification to the OkACTE Executive Director the name of the person duly elected.  In case of a tie vote of two or more nominees, these officers shall cast the deciding vote for the office.  A plurality vote shall constitute an election. If there are not two candidates for office, the office shall be declared vacant by the Executive Committee.





A. The establishment of committees shall be determined by the OkACTE Policies and Procedures.


B. The membership of such committees shall be appointed by the OkACTE President from names recommended by the President from each Division.




A. The OkACTE shall have one annual meeting to be held at the time and place of the annual conference.


B.  Special meetings shall be called by the OkACTE President when authorized by the Executive Committee of OkACTE.


C.  Other meetings of the OkACTE Executive Committee may be called as needed.





A. The Executive Committee shall establish written policy as needed for their operation.


B.  Such policy shall be recorded in the minutes and later compiled into a set of written policies, showing when adopted and where the policy originated - that is, Association adopted, Executive Committee adopted.



The OkACTE Executive Committee must approve all proposed amendments, schedule distribution of notification to the membership, set the date for voting, and determine the method for voting by the membership.  No less than thirty days prior to the date set by the OkACTE Executive Committee for the official vote on the proposal, a copy of the proposed amendment(s) and rationale shall be distributed to each OkACTE member.  These Bylaws may be amended or revised by two-thirds vote of all members present at any regular meeting of the OkACTE or by two-thirds vote of all members returning a written or electronic ballot.




Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, will govern any provision not covered by the Bylaws of the OkACTE.

© Copyright 2019 by OKACTE. 

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