OkACTE is excited to offer members the opportunity to join or renew their membership with the OkACTE Membership Dues Installation Plan! This opportunity is available to OkACTE members whose annual dues total $100 or more.

Form: Complete the fillable form.
Questions? Email Carmen Jones, cjones@okacte.org

Complete your registration on the Oklahoma Summit conference site, conference.okacte.org
by deadline per plan:
April 1 - 4-installments
August 8 - 2-installments
Division Membership Dues
To participate in the OkACTE Membership Dues Installment Plan there is minimum total membership dues amount of $100.
Membership dues include OkACTE dues ($60), ACTE dues ($80) and Divisional dues (both national and state dues).
Installation payments for primary membership dues are outlined in the Initial Division Dues Chart.
Additional dues can be included in the OkACTE Membership Dues Installation Plan. The additional charges for the dues will include state and national for each division chosen on top of your primary selection. These charges are explained in the “Additional Division Dues Add-On” Chart. Please note: when selecting additional divisions, there is a $10 charge per national division chosen, which is included in the total cost.
Installment Payment Guidelines
Participants must choose an installation plan and day of payment from below. All payments are completed by Automatic Clearing House (ACH). Checking account information must be provided.
Payments in 2 installments: Transactions to be made in September and October on designated day.
Payments in 4 installments: Transactions to be made in June, July, August and September on designated day.
Day of Payments: Participants must choose from the 5th or 20th for monthly installment payments.
Terms and Conditions
I agree to pay my OkACTE Membership Dues Installment Plan balance under the terms of the plan (includes a $2.00 fee for each installation payment). *Total dues minimum $100 to participate.
I understand that conference registration and contributions to scholarships, funds and add-ons such as OkACTE PAC are not eligible for the OkACTE Membership Dues Installment Plan.
I agree that the plan can’t be changed or cancelled after it is approved.
I agree my account will have the available funds as indicated by my payment option and division fees.
I understand I can choose to pay for both primary division and additional division dues amount.
I understand that all payments must be submitted to OkACTE by October 20, 2025 to be in good standing for the 2025-2026 year.
4 payment installments:
I understand the completed OkACTE Membership Dues Installment Plan form must be received in the OkACTE office by April 1, 2025 to enroll for the 4-payment installation plan (June – September).
I agree to update my registration on the Oklahoma Summit website, conference.okacte.org by May 31, 2025 to process my initial payment. Select OkACTE MDIP at check out.
2 payment installments:
I understand the completed OkACTE Membership Dues Installment Plan form must be received in the OkACTE office by August 8, 2025 to enroll for the 2-payment installation plan (September & October).
I agree to update my registration on the Oklahoma Summit website, conference.okacte.org by August 8, 2025 to process my initial payment. Select OkACTE MDIP at check out.
Insufficient Funds Policy
Insufficient Funds Fee: If I fail to pay, I understand I will be charged a $25 insufficient funds fee and will be responsible for the remaining balance which must be submitted by credit card or money order.
Lose Eligibility for Payment Plan: If a payment is submitted and returned as insufficient funds, I understand I will be removed from the OkACTE Membership Installment Plan.
ACTE Administration Division
ACTE Agricultural Education Division
ACTE Business Education Division
ACTE Family & Consumer Sciences Ed Division
ACTE Counseling and Career Development Division
ACTE Health Science Education Division
ACTE Marketing Education Division
ACTE Postsecondary Adult & Career Education
ACTE Engineering & Technology Education Division
ACTE Trade & Industrial Education Division
ACTE Work-Based Learning
New and Related Services Division Sections
ACTE Career Academy Section
ACTE CTE Scholars
ACTE Instructional Management & Materials
ACTE Integration of Academics & Career & Tech Education
ACTE Makers of Policy/Public Information
ACTE Other & Related Section
ACTE CTE for All
ACTE Support Staff Section
ACTE Tech Prep Section